Package-level declarations
Describes dimensions of an unit with help of factors. A factor describe one separate dimension.
Implements expression of unit with given value and dimensions
Describes one dimension of unit as logical pair of specification and powerValue.
Defines functions for pretty printing and dimensional analysis of measured units.
Specifies unit with properties as unitSymbol e.g. 'm', categorySymbol as 'L', presentationPriority for pretty printing e.g. by metre and second should be 'ms' ans not 'sm'. and creation function creator.
Allows to divide expressions.
Allows to divide expression to number.
Allows to divide number to expression.
Allows to subtract expressions.
Allows to add dimensions.
Allows to add expressions.
Allows to calculate dimension's power.
Allows to power an expression to given degree
Allows to calculate the remainder of truncating division of this value by the other value.
Allows to multiply dimensions.
Allows to multiply expressions.
Allows to multiply expression and number.
Allows to multiply number and expressions.
Implementation of -=
Implementation of +=